Nýjar vörur

Nýtt í Andrá
Við kynnum með stolti breska skartgripa merkið Completedworks.
"Completedworks documents the beauty and complexity of the everyday through the practice of jewellery and ceramics. Working primarily from recycled materials, the brand's signature pieces gently roll against the tide of convention - using sculptural forms that weave, loop, twist, flow, enfold and expand to explore broader questions about the human condition and trade blows with history, politics and the language of art"
Moon Boot
Maison Louis Marie

Heit ský, rokokó og augnskuggar
Sigrún Hrólfsdóttir
Nú eru til sýnis ný málverk eftir Sigrúnu Hrólfsdóttur á veggjum Andrá Reykjavík.
Eins og titill sýningarinnar ber með sér eru þau innblásin af rókókó tímabilinu í myndlist, augnskuggum og hækkandi hitastigi í heiminum.